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If you’re one of the people who are starting out a business or an organization and you’re not sure about the type and the kind of auditing your entity needs, learning it would seem hard and challenging.

But, in reality, understanding it is easy! In fact, that’s what we here at IQC the ISO Pros of California are for!

In this guide, we’ll help you have a deeper and a further understanding of what the different types and kinds of audits are! So, wherever your business or your commercial establishment is here in the city of San Francisco, CA, you can look at us for help and assistance!

Without further ado, let us take a look at some of the most opted auditing procedures.


What is Internal Auditing?

To start, you need to fully be aware of what internal auditing is. In the simplest ways possible, internal auditing is the process of a company assessing and evaluating their performance against what their goals and their objectives are.

It is a company’s or an organization’s way of checking if they’re up to what their expectations are.

Outsourced Internal Audits

Instead of hiring an internal auditor to permanently be a part of your company, it’s better to hire or outsource an internal auditor to be given a clear, concise, and unbiased opinion about how your company’s internal processes are doing.

Virtual Internal Audits

Virtual internal audits, on the other hand, are the audits that you can avail and take if you want to do the procedures urgently.

Since it’s just virtual, there’s no need for the auditor to travel miles away just to get to your place and location of business.

Compliance Audits

Unlike internal audits, compliance audits are the types of audits that are geared and directed toward checking and assessing if the procedures are abiding by the rules and the laws of the state.

It’s done by a third-party auditor to ensure everything will be fresh and legitimate – you can’t hire a compliance auditor to work for your company.

Supplier Audits

Suppliers audits, also known to be second-party audits, are the audits that you can do against your supplier so you could see their overall competency in the supply chain or in the industry.

As a client, you can also undergo this type of audit, too!

Pre-Assessment Audits

From its term alone, you would already have a sign or a hint on what a pre-assessment audit is – if you’re unsure, then it simply is the type and the kind of audit that you can take before you have an actual audit or certification.

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You can think of it as a practice audit for your business to ensure the results of the real audit.

Those are the audits that you can entrust to us here at IQC the ISO Pros of California! Wherever you are in the city, we’re just a call or an email away!

Talk to us today and get the results you need in the fastest and the swiftest manner!

IQC The ISO Pros of California can help you implement, train on, consult, and have your company and/or organization certified on the following ISO Certifications:

If you want to enjoy the above-listed benefits, contact IQC the ISO Pros of California, now. Our services are accessible in all of the below-mentioned cities: